How do I make subgroups with geneA high and geneB high?
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This page assumes you are familiar with making 2 subgroups. If you are not, please see the 'How do I make subgroups' help page.
This page details how to create subgroups based on the expression of 2 genes so that you create the following 4 subgroups:
geneA expression is high AND geneB expression is high
geneA expression is high AND geneB expression is low
geneA expression is low AND geneB expression is low
geneA expression is low AND geneB expression is high
To do this enter a search terms for each gene, such as 'C:>15' or 'D:<0.6' into the search box and separate each search term with a ';'.
You can see in the search bar the expression used to make column A using the example genes of CD44 and CD24.
Also note that you can use this feature on columns besides gene expression, such as copy number variation, etc. You can also use it on categorical features, for instance to compare expression of a gene and the patient's gender (male or female). Simply add the gender column to the Visual Spreadsheet and enter 'female' for one of the search terms above.
See our help on renaming the subgroup labels from 'true' and 'false' to something more biologically meaningful.